Download file with progress bar
use some ES6 feature, you can use babel to make it support node below 6.0.0
npm install --save download-file-with-progressbar
const dl = require('download-file-with-progressbar');
option = {
filename: 'the filename to store, default = path.basename(YOUR_URL) || "unknowfilename"',
dir: 'the folder to store, default = os.tmpdir()',
onDone: (info)=>{
console.log('done', info);
onError: (err) => {
console.log('error', err);
onProgress: (curr, total) => {
console.log('progress', (curr / total * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');
var dd = dl('YOUR_URL', option);
dd.abort() // to abort the download
progress 0.00%
progress 0.69%
progress 1.38%
progress 2.08%
progress 2.77%
progress 3.46%
progress 98.68%
progress 99.11%
progress 99.46%
progress 100.00%
done {
path: '/var/folders/cd/gy7q816s141339zt56j83fg00000gn/T/MS-DOS.7.10.ISO',
url: 'http://localhost:8000/MS-DOS.7.10.ISO',
size: 9455616
this project uses SATA
license (The Star And Thank Author License),anyway,you should star this repo before use.
More details: LICENSE文件。